Battery car powers into town to launch unique scheme
10 July, 2007
People in Haverhill will soon be able to do even more to help safeguard the environment – thanks to a unique battery recycling trial to be launched next week.
The innovative kerbside collection will see distinctive magenta bags, bearing the message ‘Do the positive thing. Recycle your batteries’, delivered to every home in the Haverhill area. Residents are invited to fill these bags with their used, part-used and unwanted batteries. There will be two collection schemes in operation, with some residents asked to leave the bag on top of their blue bin and others or to hang it on a hook attached to their blue bin’s handle.
St Edmundsbury Borough Council is carrying out the trial in partnership with WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) which aims to encourage residents to recycle more batteries more often. The scheme allows residents to recycle all types of household batteries, including AAA, AA, C, and D-size batteries as well as button, mobile phone, laptop and rechargeable batteries.
Cllr Peter Stevens, St Edmundsbury’s Cabinet member with responsibility for the environment, said:
“This innovative trial once again underlines St Edmundsbury’s commitment to safeguarding the environment and cements our status as a lead authority for recycling. Our residents have always been keen and careful recyclers and we hope this simple and convenient trial will encourage them to put their unwanted batteries to a good use while significantly reducing the amount which go to landfill.
“We hope the trial will be a great success and are delighted to be taking part.”
St Edmundsbury’s scheme has been funded by WRAP and forms part of the country’s biggest battery recycling trial. Results from the different trials which are being carried out across the country will help determine how best to collect batteries in the future. This comes following the introduction of the EU Batteries Directive, which requires 25 percent of all household batteries to be collected for recycling by 2012.
For more information on the trial, you can:
contact waste management at St Edmundsbury on 01284 757320;
phone the national helpline on 08453 313131; or
The scheme will be rolled out in Bury St Edmunds next month.